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Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

“Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home.”
― Edith Sitwell

Crabtree Crabapple
Crabtree Cottage Welcomes You


I have a confession to make.  I love winter!  I know everyone is sick and tired of old man winter but I am loving every single minute of it.  I am lucky enough to be able to work from my home, walk into town regardless of the weather, and I barely lift a snow shovel.  I love snowshoeing and I belong to the Spa at Cranwell which is only 21/2 miles away (right on rt 20 W).  I know, I know…. who am I not to love it!  Some of my guests have been loving it too! Cross Country Skiing, fine dining, museums and a very cozy B&B to hang their hats.  Many have been celebrating Valentine’s Month.  I love setting the stage for romance and February is the month to pull out all of the stops.  Our setting here on Franklin Street is especially magical in the snow ~ here are a few of my favorite scenes I see every day!

Franklin Street Scenery
Franklin Street Scenery ~ Very Cozy Indeed!
Crabtree Crabapple
Crabtree Crabapple

Franklin Street Scenery

Franklin Street Scenery

Franklin Street Scenery

Franklin Street Scenery

Franklin Street Scenery

Franklin Street Scenery

Franklin Street Scenery

Franklin Street Scenery

Neighborhood scenery
Neighborhood scenery


In our own backyard my two little pups had been getting a bit fed up with no where to run around. Nothing is more pathetic than those big brown eyes asking to go for a walk and me not being able to take them. The snow was so high and the sidewalks had not yet been plowed.  So on Valentine’s Day Jeffrey did one of the sweetest little things for them…

heart track

he snow blowed a heart shaped track for Max & Margot!! You can imagine how thrilled they were!

heart track
heart track
heart track
heart track


Won’t you come join me for a cup of homemade hot chocolate?    I would love to show you around some of the everyday romance we have been creating for ourselves and our guests.

Crabtree Hot Chocolate
Crabtree Hot Chocolate ~ Pottery by Jules
Romance @ Crabtree Cottage
Romance @ Crabtree Cottage


romantic breakfasts
romantic breakfasts


romantic breakfasts
chocolate raspberry crepes


romantic breakfasts

pre-sectioned red grapefruits with brown sugar, cinnamon & ginger broiled for 3-4 minutes

romantic breakfasts

winter tablescape
winter tablescape



romantic breakfasts
heart shaped cheese fried eggs



romantic breakfasts


n Chocolate Pecan Cookies


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Isn’t it just perfect that February is also Heart Health Month.  With all of this talk of love & romance I thought I would incorporate another passion of mine ~ health. After all, Health is the New Wealth! I think nurturing our bodies, minds and spirits with love is the secret to a happy life.  My collection of cookbooks, books on health and spirit  are catching up with my gardening book collection.  From following health experts to health foodies I am afraid to say I need to express myself even more with food than ever before! Luckily for me Jeff & my family are reaping the benefits of my obsession, lol.

oatmeal with fruit & chocolate
steel cut oatmeal with fruit & chocolate

Here is a steel cut oatmeal timesaver.  Before bed measure your oatmeal and water and bring to a boil in a covered pan. Turn off ~ go to bed….. awake and just reheat your oatmeal while your tea water boils or your coffee brews.  Saves you 20 minutes!

Thai Butternut Squash Soup
Thai Butternut Squash Soup


Making soup is one of my favorite things to do.  I submitted this Hearty Black Bean Soup in a Berkshire Eagle Super Bowl Party contest.  I didn’t win but I came in second and the recipe was published. I was so surprised because this soup is super healthy and the other recipes were not.  I hope some people tried it! If you would like the recipe pop over to my facebook page and let me know how it comes out.

Heart Healthy Black Bean Soup
Heart Healthy Black Bean Soup


Jeff's favorite polenta

 One of Jeff’s favorites ~ Polenta

Roasted Cauliflower
Roasted Cauliflower


Mushroom, Artichoke/Spinach Stacks
Mushroom, Artichoke/Spinach Stacks


ume salad dressing w/ polenta sticks
ume salad dressing w/ polenta sticks
cozy winter dinner for two
cozy winter dinner for two
Heart Healthy Guacamole
Heart Healthy Guacamole
Heart Healthy Chocolate Covered Bananas
Heart Healthy Frozen Chocolate Covered Bananas
Heart Healthy Chocolate Covered Bananas
Heart Healthy Chocolate Covered Bananas
Heart Healthy French Lentils
Heart Healthy French Lentils


Thank you for coming by my blog today. I hope you are having a wonderful winter enjoying your warm and comfortable home.