Mirror mirror on the wall…

I have a fun home styling tip for you today.  One fun shopping activity that is really affordable is called, shopping your own house!  

After my ongoing house update the past several years, I had several pictures that were stacked up with no where to go, I had basically out grown them.  But, then I had an idea.  What if I just took the frames and inserted mirrors in them, and created a gallery wall.  I had wanted a gallery wall for years, but this old house didn’t really have any great wall space for that.  Ah-ha, the hall.


I measured each picture mat that fit perfectly in each frame, and my genius husband went to his trusty glass shop to order the mirrors.  He came home with perfectly cut glass, already cut to size, and inserted them to the frame.


We then taped each mirror into the frame, for extra precaution, with heavy duty tape.  Because I had Jeff as my assistant, we measured and hung the mirrors.  You can trace each frame on craft paper, and place them on the wall with tape, and then hang, but when you have a Jeff you don’t need to.  I basically laid them on the floor, and played with the arrangement to my liking, and he did the math. Each frame had a different length due to the picture hangers, so there was a lot of math!

I tend to eye things when hanging pictures. But the rule of thumb is 60″ to the center of the picture.  Of course, this rule is meant to be broken, depending on your situation.  Dining rooms are one example – since you are sitting, the art should be at eye level. I also like the salon hanging technique which is place them how you like ~ not measured, by eye, and room to add more as you collect them.  I am learning to like a look that is a bit more in progress.  A bit more artistic and unexpected.


This was also a very economical project.  I thought the custom cut mirrors might be expensive, but they weren’t.  The mirrors were extra pieces from custom orders, therefore they were quite inexpensive.

I call this simple project a win!  Not only did I shop my house for some interesting and unique hall decor, using what I have, with minimal cost, but it is totally unique, and enviromentally friendly.  The extra bonus was that a kind of dark hall became an added focal point to my living room.  In the daytime it is almost as bright as my living room, with all of those mirrors reflecting the light, and at night it takes on a magical and moody feeling, with the relaxing sounds of water splashing and the light trickling in the garden feature.  Creating intregue and atmosphere that a regular wall gallery just wouldn’t provide.

Also, don’t you just love my new, colbalt blue, moravian star light?  We had to replace our ceiling light, due to a water leak.  Isn’t the colbalt blue just perfect with the stained glass window?  It was hand made in Mexco.  Little changes can make such a big impact in a tiny space!

Bonus tip:  This is a hall entry leading into my living room.  I chose this color, Forest Hills Green, by Benjamin Moore, to compliment my living room color, Herb Garden Green. As you can see the ceiling and the trim are the same color as the walls. I like this monochromatic theme because I think it makes the colbalt blue pop in the light, and in the stained glass window. I also love this in small spaces because it is less cluttered.  I see they are calling this a trend now, but I have always liked this when working with such a small space. The more I see this trend the more I want to do it in other areas too.

Thank you for coming by my blog today.  I hope I have inspired you to shop your own house !

For the Love of Books & a Dog Named George

A room without books is like a body without a soul. – Marcus Tullius Cicero

I have an old section in my bookshelves of old books. We inherited them from this house, Jeff’s family home. They belonged to his mother and father, and some are quite old. One was published in the 1840’s, and one is a book of poetry so worn and barely held together, that belonged to a great grandfather.

The person, be it a gentleman or a lady, who has not pleasure in a good novel, must be intolerably stupid – (guess who?)

You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suite me.  – C.S.Lewis

I blogged about Marie Kondo, the author of “The Art of Tiding Up” a few years ago. A book that took the world by storm, and now there is even a Netflix binge worthy series on it. I had followed her instructions, gave my whole house a tidying up, had a tag sale, and gave all my un-joyful objects, and lots of books away. I didn’t follow her instructions completely about the books, but I did let go of some.

Just last week my sister said she saw an article about NOT getting rid of your favorite books! The article was talking about the Marie Kondo series on Netflix! I guess I am not the only one who disagrees with her method. Thank goodness some people don’t believe everything they read, haha.

When I walk into my apartment at the end of a long day of work, I feel warm, greeted by tall windows (a rarity in New York city), yellow and gray decor, and my stuffed Harry Potter owl, Hedwig. But what truly brings me joy is the sight of my books—four towering stacks of them, to be exact.    Arianna Davis

A sneak peak at Reese

So, after my tidying up, and house renovation I became a bit critical of every single item on display – everywhere. For example, every picture that wasn’t real art, and only for the purpose of décor, was taken down. I liked the bare walls.

“Less is more.” – Robert Browning

This past Christmas after I bought a framed book binder print for a friend, I came home and started to visualize book binder prints for my living room. I started to see them on every bare space! Jeff went along with my vision, and off we went to The Museum Facsimile Store to purchase book prints that meant something to us both. We came home with six – and I am going back for another! I just love them. I think they have turned my living room, which is already a bit library-ish, into a very unique and cozy themed room, maybe with an English flair. I think I might write a book about the Art of Cluttering up!

I just love my books. I am one of those book readers that some people can’t imagine. I started Michelle Obama’s book from the back! I also have more than one book going at a time, usually on a stack of unread books! I have a few digital books too, but I must say, I just don’t enjoy that process.

I felt it shelter to speak to you.  – Emily Dickinson

Now, about my dogs. As you know they are my dearest loves. In my last blog, I shared a picture of them and the announcement of their arrival. And today I present George Edwin Keenan III.  Georges!

~ Recipe for our Pumpkin Pie Pancakes on this facebook page~

Not that Reese is second fiddle, as my mother would say, but because I could only get a good shot of him today. As you can see their black faces are hard to capture, along with George being a rambunctious puppy, and not staying still, he wrestles with Reese every time I try to get a picture of her. Next time Reese will be the star of the show.

George, baby g., Gigi, George Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt

He is a sweet, lovable, smart, inquisitive, funny, adorable, naughty little boy – and we are head over heals in love with him.

Isn’t he gorgeous and handsome too?

My other dogs never came up with this one. He does love his bed, but since I am at the table working he thought this was a good idea. As you can see the chair we have had for 21 years, are without a mark or blemish, has been nibbled on by this sweet little devil.  Along with a dining room chair, a sweater, a bedcover, a this and a that! Hats gloves….. But something we didn’t expect was his howl! He howls at music that has saxophones, trumps and horns.  He says he was in a big old band in his last life!!  Full of the dickens, as my mom would say!

A year ago I didn’t think I could feel this type of dog joy again. I am happy to declare that our home is filled with that silly- dog-joy all day long! In my quest to heal my grief, I found baby George and my heart began to heal!

Memory is a magical constellation of the past that generates a new experience. Memory is not he storing of the past, but the storying of the present. – Lynda Sexon

Somehow the grief that was so raw and painful, turned to a deeper form of gratitude, that I can now feel towards them all.  My heart is so full!

I wish you all the happiest New Year with blessings of love of prosperity! xo

Cozy Winter Hygee

“In our hurried world too little value is attached to the part of the connoisseur and dilettante.”   ~ Edith Wharton

How to survive winter is a topic we love to talk about. It hasn’t been much of winter here lately, until recently. I happen to like winter for the most part, and sometimes – a lot of times, I actually love it. I have to keep this to myself depending what crowd I am with, ha-ha. I think my one of my reasons for this positive attitude is because I just love cozy – every single bit of it.

In the Berkshires winters are often long, sometimes a little too dark, and cold. I think my favorite new word, and on every ones new word list recently, is “hygge” (pronounced hoo-ga) it is the Danish word for cozy. It isn’t just about the word cozy; it is about the feeling of cozy. I just read Meik Wikings new book, THE LITTLE BOOK OF HYGGE.  He is the CEO of the Happiness Research Institute in Copenhagen. The book is about why the Danes are one of the happiest countries in the world. They have long, dark and very cold winters, so how could this be? There is a lot to the little word hygge, and the book goes into detail about trying to describe it. They use it as a verb and an adjective. For example ”we throw the words hygge and hyggelig around so much that, to foreigners, it may appear excessive. All the time. And not just the hygge moment itself. We talk about how hyggeligt it will be to get together Friday, and on Monday we will remind each other of how hyggeling Friday was.” There are more hygge descriptions to describe many more experiences too! I do recommend the little book because I think it made me realize that not overlooking any little bit of hygge actually does make you happier!

Here is my take on Hygge and most of it is very similar to the Danish version. I think the one of the differences between the Danish Hygge, and the New England/ Janis version is this; The Danes are extremely aware of the Hygge that they create, they are mindful about the experience of it, the feeling of it, and more appreciative about it. The simplicity of it often gets overlooked by some of us even if we also practice it, are we really feeling it?

1.Candles. Everyone I know loves candlelight. I happen to have candles going every single day – mostly just at dinner, even when it is just Jeff and I at the kitchen table for a simple supper. It marks the moment of special and sacred to me. Sometimes even for a special bath, and on very cozy nights in my bedroom when we are watching a movie or reading.

2.  A fire in the fireplace, set so that at a moments notice I can open the flu, and comfy up in my  living room with a book or a movie.  When entertaining, depending what I am serving, we often eat in front of the fire. When we moved here almost 20 years ago, building a fireplace was one of the first things on our list of things to do.  Jeff built the mantel. He loves to build mantels, he truly is an artist.  Each one he has built over the years is completely different and inspiring! Many of our guests have been amazed that this is a new  fireplace, since our home was built in the 1860’s, they just assume it was always here!  We chose older looking and more rustic bricks so it wouldn’t look brand new, and Jeff picked a Rumford design to be more energy efficient, and to go with our antique home. We never feel more hyggeligt when a fire is burning in the fireplace. It’s all about creating atmosphere and warmth!

3. Out door exercise. After coming into our warm and cozy home, from the chilly outdoors, after an invigorating walk, hike or snowshoeing  etc – it is perfectly hygge. You slip of your boots for slippers – grab a warm cup of tea, and feel the effects of  exercise Your body is relaxed, your mind is clear, and you feel good about yourself. If I happen to be wet, and frozen to the bone, a delightfully hot bath with Epsom salts, and essential oils, feels especially hygee. Extraordinarily luxurious in the daytime!

  1. Books & Movies. Luxuriating with a good book or movie. Not just before bed, which is extremely wonderful, but how about during the day. Steal away to a cozy corner, light a fire and read! Or, how about a movie in the late afternoon? That to me is luxurious and hard to do in the summer when gardening season arrives.
  2. Creating an organized and thoughtful home. I love every single thing in my home. There isn’t one item in my home that I dislike. And when there is I put it on my list to take care of. At this moment a couple of my kitchen cupboards need a makeover, and we are in the process of re-organizing our cellar. I know that whenever I complete an area in need, I feel happier. Is my home perfect? Not even close – I do have an ongoing list for some more makeovers, of course! I would like to improve a couple of unorganized areas, but being perfect isn’t what hygge is about. And perfectionism can destroy that hygee vibe.
      6. Food. I think making food and eating is one of my favorite hygge things to. I try to re-create traditional comfort foods into healthy foods. Even though I don’t love to shop for food as much I do, we have one amazing store nearby called Guido’s, which is perfectly hygee. It feels like a European market, it is perfectly sized, and they carry everything from beautiful, organic items, to gourmet specialty items, and even hard to find health food. I feel hygee just walking in the door. Of course there are other grocery stores, but I must say I am particularly fond of the Mom & Pops like co-ops and specialty food stores.

Great winter comfort food = SOUP  Here is vegan pho soup! Healthy and delicious.Bean  & Lentil SoupMy favorite new dish is from The New York Times Cooking Section. Pasta With Fried Lemons & Chile Flakes – go over to my facebook page for this recipe ~ sure to be your newest comfort food! The lemons are sweet and fall right off the skin.

I added capers and garlic to the original recipe!

The lemons alone would make a great appetizer!

7.A cozy and perfectly plush bed. I love going to bed! My bed has to be perfect comfort – I share it with two silly cockapoos, and one man that steals half of it every night! Besides cuddling and snoozing, it is my favorite place to read and watch a movie too – I don’t care what the sleep experts say – it is the coziest place in the house!

I am not a napper, but when I see a cozy bed like this with dappled sunlight on a cold winter day – I just want to hop in!

  1. Creating atmosphere and beauty that is personal. I love everything about homemaking, and the art of the home (just in case you didn’t notice)! A few years ago we started some pretty big renovations in this house. We painted the living room- did over a few bedrooms and really tried to “ tidy things up!” I was inspired by the infamous, whom everyone now knows is the clutter free organized guru of our time! The question you ask yourself with every single item is your home is, “ does this spark joy?” I wrote about it in a previous blog. I was really inspired, as was everyone who read the book!  Well, I went full speed ahead and the book really helped me re-define my space. But, I did learn a big lesson in my makeover. Even though my house was filled with only things that brought me joy, there was a missing element. The layers of decorating a well appointed room, and a look that appears over time was missing. I had simplified, and that was good, and a great new look, but it almost felt too austere. I feel like each room should tell a story and my story felt kind of flat. It felt like I was being hyper critical of anything imperfect and that if the personality of an item had to match the rest of the other items personalities! Well it took decorating this past Christmas for me to realize this. Once I added the simplified and pared down Christmas décor, which was basically my bringing the outdoors in theme, I felt like my house became a home. It needed the warmth of maybe one too many candles, the greens and Christmas plants added life, The little white twinkle lights that I had around added so much atmosphere, that when I undecorated, I decided to clutter it up a bit. I bought some houseplants, and kept my “bring the outside in” for my winter look, now my living room has a story again. It feels like my personality is being reflected in it’s own unique way. My rooms are layered and reflect my personality! I love any home that has this quality. The home may not be anywhere close to my style, but if it has that layered quality that tells a story, I instantly love it!
  2. Add a bar. I have wanted a bar for a couple of years. It is a major home decorating trend, and now I finally have one. Because winter is all about health and well being we are not really stocking this bar until our next party! But, I can’t tell you what it does for this room. Maybe it’s an old established feeling, I just don’t know, but it screams “welcome, come in, get comfortable, can I get you a drink?” I happen to think having Julia’s Henrietta, the elephant, on top makes it a very hygee bar area. Having pottery and art personalize this room and help tell our family story.
  1. Music. I like to play music almost all day long. I have many different genres that we play. I think lovely or upbeat music just adds to the atmosphere of comfort and can either relax you or energize you!  (Below the books is more of Julia’s pottery. A collection of some of our favorite pieces.

So go grab yourself a cup of tea ~ have a tea party, and hygee up your life! You will not only survive winter, you will feel joy!

I hope you are having the happiest New Year! At the moment I am trying to discover a new career that allows all things Hygee to be a part of it. It is who I am. How to do that incorporating all of my passions…Lifestyle something? Home Décor? Health? Blogging? I will keep you posted. In the meantime I am enjoying the quiet of winter and reflection. Very recently I have become an activist! Going to two marches and even a stand in! Who knows where this will all lead, but it helps me feel hopeful, and learning how to be an active citizen is one of my new year goals.

Thank you for coming by my blog today ~ come back soon!


Happy Spring!

Today is your day. Your mountain is waiting. So…get on your way. – Dr. Seuss


Yay! Spring has arrived. Although it has been a bit cold, it still has beautiful signs of new life everywhere you look. The grass is green, the gardens are popping up, and we have things to do before the official gardening season begins!

In my last blog we wrote about our daughter moving to California. How did we adjust to our empty nest? We kept busy, did some home projects, and went on some vigorous hikes and long walks.  We also ate out a lot!

Our guests always ask us where to eat, and what our favorite restaurants are.  One of our favorites is Elizabeth’s in Pittsfield, about twenty minutes away. It’s a casual place with an incredible menu. We almost always get the same thing, Eggplant Provencal. We are usually full before the main dish because they serve a huge family style salad, and Berkshire Mountain Bakery Bread!  After our dinner at Elizabeths, for about a week or longer, we eat our version of their salad and bread!


A salad for two! After all we have to make up for all of that eating out. And the bread! Berkshire Mountain Bakery is located in Housatonic, about 20 minutes away. It is our very favorite bread, and extremely healthy. Flour, water and salt. That is what real bread is, and it is our favorite. In the photo above, I tried to recreate the hummus the owner brought to our table. It was chunky and very light, with chopped tomatoes. He said it was a staple in his house growing up. Delicious.

Fun is good. Dr. Seuss

Another favorite restaurant we both love, is the Starving Artist Creperie. Just two blocks from our house. We order numerous things off their menu. One of my favorites, when we are on a salad kick, is their Vital Vegan Salad. So we come home and recreate that too. They aren’t open for dinner, and sometimes you just need that salad at dinner! We also love the owner and the staff.


Salad for two again! Wow. I bet you think we live on salad alone – no we do not!


Tuscan Mashed Chickpeas on grilled bread.

This is a recipe from the Barefoot Contessa. Pop over to my facebook page for the recipe. Of course, we use Berkshire Mountain Bakery bread for this too. See why we eat so much salad!

Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not. – Dr. Seuss

We also did some home reno projects. And, after recently becoming addicted to HGTV, Fixer Upper,  we felt like Chip and JoAnna Gaines while we were doing it! Here is a peak at some of our projects:


Jeff made this table out of repurposed wood with pipe legs. Very Fixer Upper! And perfect for my kitchen. He was not overly excited about the pipe legs, but then he got a kick out of putting them together.


Our next project was new wallpaper in the dining room hallway. I fell for this last year when we started this re-do the whole house project. I couldn’t stop thinking about it, and even though the wall paper in that are was still cute – this had to be done. I’m in love with it. As you all know I am mad, crazy and wild about blue and white. This chinoiserie paper goes perfect with my entire house! 

We did some other projects too, and I still have a list, but the highlight of spring so far…is not to be missed!


We went to San Diego to see our girl! She has been gone three full months. She has an adorable apartment, and a new job. She guided us around like she had lived there for much longer. We had the time of our lives! While we were there, we saw our beautiful niece Kate. She drove down from Los Angeles.  She is living a very successful, and ambitious life. Her career is in the business world. We loved catching up. We had a hard time leaving these amazing young women.

It’s moments together that change us forever. Dr Seuss


Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.  Dr. Seuss


Thank you for coming by my blog today ~ I hope you come back soon.

p.s. While were visiting Julia, we went to La Jolla where she is now working in a Gallery.  We visited the Legends Gallery, aka The Dr. Seuss Gallery. A highlight of our trip, hence the Dr. Seuss vibe of this post.

You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. Dr. Seuss.

For the Love of Birch & Holiday Decor.

“I think everything in life is art. What you do. How you dress. The way you love someone, and how you talk. Your smile and your personality. What you believe in, and all your dreams. The way you drink your tea. How you decorate your home. Or party. Your grocery list. The food you make. How your writing looks. And the way you feel. Life is art.”

~ Helena Bonham Carter

Welcome to our holiday home! This year we went with a simple and natural look, with touches of red, and mercury glass for accents.  Fresh greens, birch, and pinecones helped bring the outdoors in. As always, our favorite decor includes lots of candles, festive music and comfort food ~ all with a twist.




Notice Max & Margot ~ always part of the Crabtree scene!

IMG_1543Every time Jeff and I go walking in the woods I seem to collect another birch log. I love using the birch in my arrangements, but especially Christmas decor.IMG_1545



We go walking and hiking in the woods, and before you know it I have spotted a piece or two of birch! On our last walk we noticed these cairn rock formations here and there.




“I believe in the cosmos. All of us are linked to the cosmos. So nature is my god. To me, nature is sacred. Trees are my temples and forests are my cathedrals. Being at one with nature.”

~ Mikhail Gorbachev


FullSizeRenderThere is the prize! Birch Loot! Then the protest …. “this one is much too big.” Bringing a chainsaw into the woods is also a no no according to the birch carrier!
FullSizeRenderThen I notice this!  We load up the car, and go home to play!



The ordinary acts we practice every day at home are of more importance to the soul than their simplicity might suggest.  ~ Thomas Moore


Now that the outside is complete, we move inside.

IMG_1515This year I put my carolers on the tree.
This lovely galvanized cake stand is a gift from my neighbor Sandy. We went out shopping one day, and I got to pick out my Christmas gift. Sandy is my dearest, neighbor/friend/decorator – cohort! She also loves all things birch, and galvanized!  After we shopped, we embellished it with birch, pinecones, greens and mercury glass.  I will do a blog on her house soon ~ she is such an inspiration to me.
Now, it is time to invite my parents over to lounge in front of the fire. We served this Tomato Bread Soup, PAPPA AL POMODORO, from our favorite cookbook author, Chloe Coscarelli. It was a major hit ~ very hearty and flavorful.  I have posted the recipe on my face book page if you would like it.
I follow some very inspiring home decor blogs. One of my favorites is Susan Branch.  I saw this on her previous post, and thought it was a lovely blessing for all of us. Susan is an artist, author and lover of the Home Arts! I think you will love her page too.
Thank you for coming by my blog today.  May everything that makes for a happy holiday come to you.

A signature recipe and creating a signature style!

My uncle ordered popovers
from the restaurant’s bill of fare.
And, when they were served,
he regarded them with a penetrating stare.
Then he spoke great words of wisdom
as he sat there on that chair:
“To eat these things,” said my uncle,
“You must exercise great care.
You may swallow down what’s solid,
but you must spit out the air!”
And as you partake of the world’s bill of fare,
that’s darned good advice to follow.
Do a lot of spitting out the hot air.
And be careful what you swallow.”

― Dr. Seuss


We love to serve our favorite popovers once during our guests stay here at Crabtree Cottage. If you are here for the weekend, you will be sure to have these.  Even though we try to offer new twists on our favorite recipes for our repeat customers, we never worry about repeating popovers – over and over again!  We have been serving them since we began our B&B. We thought it was a unique breakfast item compared to muffins, coffee cake or scones, although we do love to serve those too!  These have become our signature breakfast treat.  Some of our guests have never had a popover, some from England compare them to Yorkshire Pudding, others remember them from long ago.  This is also our most requested recipe! They are simple to make and make a great impression.Pop over to our facebook page for the recipe.


We call Jeff the Popover King. He makes the popovers each morning and takes great pride in that task!

“Create your own visual style… let it be unique for yourself and yet identifiable for others. ”  Orson Welles

I also love a signature decorating and fashion style. Who doesn’t? When we think of our favorite designers or iconic fashionistas, there is something so inspiring about their unique signature look, or design style.  It is like a personal autograph, unique and recognizable.  Oh that is so …. Janis!  Haha. I was going to say Jackie O, or Frank Lloyd Wright, but I just couldn’t resist!


With our home I have tried to re-create a seaside cottage style that I just adore. My passion for that approach to home décor fits this house perfectly. This house lacked a special character before it underwent our major transformation.  By adding exuberant gardens, a picket fence, a seaside color scheme, and lots of love, it became Crabtree Cottage!

[dt_divider style=”double-gap”/]

On the inside, I am always trying to create a traditionally comfortable home with a twist!  My signature has also been my color scheme. I love color! I express myself through color too.  One of my favorite colors has always been navy blue. I have it throughout the entire house in some way or another.  I think I would go into a deep depression if I became color blind to the blues!

IMG_1410 Next to sharing my popover recipe, I also share the navy color (Benjamin Moore, Hale Navy) in my dining room, our front door and our barn.

During this updating frenzie, I also read the book, “the life-changing magic of tidying up,” by Marie Kondo. This is where the real art of paring down entered the scene. In her book she asks you to look at every single object in your home and ask this question…


I have this on my kitchen chalkboard as a daily reminder. This question made me re-think many of the objects in my house, and even activities in my life.  My pile of tag-sale items grew, and the cellar became the dumping ground.  Time for a tag-sale!


This  picture was for my Tag-Sale/Craigslist advertisement. Isn’t that lovely? Notice the color scheme, it follows me everywhere I go! I am afraid my staging vision, with this lovely preview, went right out the window.  It drizzled almost the entire three hours, on that frigid, early October morning. Oh well, I got rid of lots and lots of STUFF!!

[dt_divider style=”double-gap”/]

Now, back to my year long home decorating project.  I have upped my decorating antics to stay unique and personal.

[dt_divider style=”double-gap”/]

This new mirror added just a bit of a modern twist and made the room feel updated!


I thought I could update my living room with the color green (Benjamin Moore, Herb Garden Green). My blue in this room is almost an equal partner, and yet it stands out. Sometimes, I feel like this green is a neutral, and the blue is the dominate color. I love blue and green together ~ perfect for a bright sunny room.  I have shared this green numerous times with my guests. It is Herb Garden Green from Benjamin Moore. One couple from England had never seen a green room ~ imagine?? I wrote down the information for them so they could replicate the color.

This is my living room mantel before…classic and traditional.


This is my mantel after…classic and traditional with a new twist!  My mother said it was royal and regal looking!


Can you guess what my new strategy is?  BLACK! I never did the black thing before! Next, I painted the piano and a candlestick table black ~ I should have done this years ago!



Now there is a subtle statement of black in the living room ~

My mother, my neighbor Sandy, and many other designers, often say that every room needs a little black. My mother has been using black forever on miscellaneous furniture. She even has two black contemporary wing chairs.  It is showing up a bit more in the trade magazines, and as always, in more modern décor. In my house it is my new twist!! I am getting inspiration from this tried and true trend, but interpreting it in my way to fit my style, and house. That way I hope it will be a classic touch, without being totally dictated to following a trend.

I am also still doing this updating in my kitchen.  How to be in style, yet unique?  We started the entire home update a little over a year ago in this space.  As the decorators I follow always say, a room evolves and becomes more of itself, over time, not over night.  I guess that quote is symbolic when you think about it ~ as we evolve, we also become more of ourselves over time too. Don’t you just love that?






I didn’t intend to go for an industrial look.  Of course, this is my version of a modified industrial approach, maybe a bit farmhouse too. I think the wainscoting, white cabinets, and the copper sink are timeless.  First, it was the new countertop, and then it just snow balled. Now, I have contracted my favorite carpenter, you know who, for a new table!  He is going to use barn boards from the inside of our barn. Of course, Jeff is the master of creativity, so I have no idea what the actual finished table will look like! I wonder if it will be the finishing touch…. Stay tuned…


Thank you for coming by my blog today ~ I hope you come back soon.






Creative & Fun Spring Projects at Crabtree


: small, comfortable, and warm

: friendly and pleasant

: suggesting or showing a closeness between two people, groups, businesses, etc. : very close



I remember when I first started my B&B, eighteen years ago, searching for a word to describe my B&B.  The word cozy kept coming up.  I learned in the advertising world that cozy was not a good B&B description. It was overused and too cutesy for some people.  Well, there really isn’t a better word, in my humble opinion, to describe my B&B. Yes, this is a gray shingled home, with a picket fence and a cottage garden, some might say cottage-y and even cutesy, but I think the feeling that people feel here is cozy!  Come along, I’ll show you how we have been cozying up around here.



Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.  Arthur Ashe

~ During ~
~ During ~

It all started with Jeff replacing the tiled ceiling, adding new crown molding and painting the rooom.  Then came the new carpet. A shopping trip to Pine Cone Hill, Pottery Barn, Lamps Plus, Country Curtains, Home Goods and our even our own home and…. Tada!



At first I had some white chairs in this space. When my father saw the new room he said it just wasn’t cozy.  Imagine that! So in moved the chairs destined for somewhere else in the house! Viola ~ cozy, cozy, cozy. This newer, slightly modern look I was seeking, needed more color.  He was spot on!

For the moment these are the only pictures I have of the new Master’s Chamber.  It is very difficult to take pictures of rooms without a professional for lighting and wide angles. I have that next project on my list.

Next, came another project for Jeff, the deck. The deck had been such a dissapointment from the get go.  The ceder that year had many issues with rotting. Our deck was very close to the ground, held too much moisture and I had chosen a solid stain.  Every year it took major sanding, board replacing and painting.  Well…. Jeff solved that problem!IMG_0798





The very best part of this low maintenance, gray stained cement patio with its composit railing system is…………



This garden gate!!  The railing system didn’t come with an acceptable gate. Pure ugly.  Well, that wasn’t going to work.

Creativity is intelligence having fun. Albert Einstein

I remembered going to the Norman Rockwell Museum a few years ago and seeing a hand crafted and artsy gate display on the lawn. It was a vague memory for both of us, but it was very inspiring and whimsical.  I wanted Jeff to make one for me at the time, but no gates were needed.  The idea was in storage, somewhere deep down it was waiting to be created.  We of course needed a fun theme ~ a garden theme! This is what Jeff created!

Are you catching onto one of the themes of this blog yet?  Pop over to my facebook page and see who won the Crabtree Employee of the Year!!!IMG_0851

After a long and very cold winter we couldn’t wait to get our pool going.  Ugh. This year the lining was in very bad shape. Ought oh! We have realized we are already on borrowed time with this liner.  Eighteen years old, and every year we wonder as the cover comes off… with this be that year?  Not with Jeff around.  Out came the hair drying and lots of muscle!  Fixed! Notice his little assistant, Max offering his input.

Next came the new fence. Another story of wood that was eighteen years old!





As you can see lots of Spring projects are completed and we are looking quite fresh around here in our cozy cottage.

Here are some spring scenes from the garden.





These next garden photo’s are from my neighbors Sandy’s house.  She has a very English style garden that always inspires me.



 Respond to every call that excites your spirit. Rumi

Thank you for coming by my blog today.






Spring Projects & Updates

“Spring is the time of plans and projects.” – Leo Tolstoy, Ann Karenina
 Max says, “please stop winter now!” I have promised him no matter what we are not going to put on his coat or his booties again, until next winter.  I hope the weather will cooperate because there isn’t a more disappointed face than when Max has to sport his booties!
We have so many exciting spring projects ahead of us.  We can’t wait until our summer guests arrive to see all of the makeovers we have done! Soon after the holidays we undertook our living room! It had been on the list for the last few winters, but it was such a daunting task that we always seemed to avoid it.  The “look” was begining to feel very dated, and we finally had enough!
~ Living Room Before ~
After ~  Herb Garden Green ~ Viola!
Max loves this spot!
I almost repainted the living room the same color because of these labor intensive booksheves. We had a painter paint the living room, but we tackeled the shelves ourselves! We had a limited window of opportunity for the painter and had to juggle weekend guests without disrupting our entire house with all of these books and nicknacks! We took the opportunity to clean, sort and downsize our chachki collections! We are loving the simplicity and freshness so much. We have decided to wait before we hang any pictures.
I think upolstering this loveseat made my livingroom complete. It sometimes costs more to upholster furniture than buy new, but I would have never found a piece with this much character or personality in any funiture shop. It was worth the investment to us to re-do such a unique piece. Personality Plus ~ that’s what it says!

Now the stained glass piece stands out more which was an unexpected bonus because of the green.  This piece belonged to Saint George’s Church right here on Franklin St.  It was removed to make a handicap accessible ramp. One Sunday afternoon there was an auction in the park and Jeff was the highest bidder! What we were going to do with this gem was not the question – Jeff wanted it and that was that! When asked what he was going to do with it he responded, “I’m sure I’ll find something.”  Within a minute of arriving home, he knew that this doorway would be the perfect place. Without a moments hesitation he was measuring, and to his surprise it fit perfectly. He only had to box it in. It is always a topic of conversation as to where it came from. We fell in love with the colors, especially the blue.  It seams more artful than religious to us, and we also respect it’s historical character.


Now of course we had to include the hall with our living room plan. Here it is before ~ Gold


After!  This time we used Forest Hills Green. A bit brighter incoporating the room, but keeping it seperate too. Will anyone notice? Probably not, but I happen to be obsessed/passionate about color, and it makes me happy!


Now onto The Master’s Chamber! This room has also been on that list.  Dated and ready for a makeover ~ here we go!  Before ~
~ During ~  Jeff has a full schedule with his own work, plus this on his time off. I think he may win employee of the year award again! I think a man with a tool belt on is one of the most impressive sights, don’t you?

~ During ~

Rugs are scheduled to be installed soon, so the clock is ticking! Jeff will also be re-tiling the bathroom floor.  We will have a facebook reveal and blog when we finish.  It is very exciting because this is the most extensive of all the makeovers.  I am so excited to share this with my repeat guests. I do hesitate to share it on my blog because I hate to take away the surprise when they arrive to their room remodeled. Some of my repeats have already booked for summer so maybe they won’t see this post.
Setting goals is the first step in turning the inisible into the visible. – Tony Robbins
This work has to be done before the real spring arrives! There are garden projects waiting in the wings too! When we finish up inside, we have lots of outside plans too! Maybe by then the iceburgs will have melted and we can get down to business!
We have a deck to rip off, and a patio to create to replace it! Here it is all lovely looking in the summer. Beneth it lurks the not so lovely rotted wood. Another job for dear old Jeff! Here is the before in the summer.
A rotting fence to replace too! This photo doesn’t show the peeling rotted wood of today!
It was such a pleasure to sink one’s hands into the warm earth, to feel at one’s fingertips the possibilities of the new season.”  – Kate Morton, The Forgotten Garden
Of course, we have been eating well.   During March I served these scones to our guests. Instead of Irish Soda Bread, Irish Soda Bread Scones.  Pop over to my facebook page and get the recipe. Simple, delicous and very Irish!
I also have a couple of other surprises up my sleeve to share with my repeat guests, or perhaps intrique a future guest who might happen upon my blog.

Thank you for coming by my blog today.

Cottage Living

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Everyone can identify with a fragrant garden, with beauty of sunset, with the quiet of nature, with a warm and cozy cottage.  Thomas Kincade



We are getting ready for some cozy living here at Crabtree Cottage.  The gardens are ready to be put to bed, there are leaves waiting to be raked up and soup to be served in front of the fire.   It has been a glorious late summer and autumn season here at Crabtree Cottage.  Scroll down to see what we have been up to.


cozy fires
cozy fires



[call_to_action size=”middle” colour=”blue”]The old never lack for a story when they’re standing in the sun or in front of a warm fireplace.  Sicilian Proverb[/call_to_action]


We just picked our last zucchini! It was a stellar crop.   Here is Jeff making zucchini pasta with our sprial vegetable slicer.  We made this a lot over the summer because we had sooo much zucchini! We topped it with peanut sauce and sometimes we sauteed it with garlic, olive oil, salt and pepper.  Simple and low cal!  Pop over to my facebook page for the recipe. Oh, and while you’re at it, you can like our page too.


zucchini pasta
zucchini pasta


zucchini fries
zucchini fries


zucchini pancakes
zucchini pancakes # barefoot contessa

pasta ~ tomatoes ~ basil
pasta ~  garden tomatoes ~ fresh garden basil

basil ~ basil ~ basil
basil ~ basil ~ basil


We still have lots of kale to last during the cool weather of late fall.

kale box
kale box


gorgeous & healthy kale

kale wrap
kale wrap/scoops with eggless egg salad

A zucchini pancake for two!

large zucchini pancake
large zucchini pancake

large zucchini pancake
large zucchini pancake


peach & raspberry clafouti
peach & raspberry clafouti


peach & blueberry crisp
peach & blueberry crisp # barefoot contessa


Our sugar puffs are one of our signature offerings. Our guests just love these. Buttery, cinnamon sugar ~ ahhhh!

sugar puffs
sugar puffs

This baked pancake is an old favorite.

baked pancake
baked pancake


Here is the recipe for the Baked Pancake:   Mix 2 large eggs ,1/2 C. flour, 1/2 C. milk.  In a 9″ black iron skillet melt 4 TBS. of butter in a 400 degree oven. Then pour in the batter.  Bake about 15 minutes. It will be puffed up and then collapse after you take it out of the oven.  Squeeze fresh lemon over the top and sprinke confectionary sugar.


cheese bachamel sauce stuffed crepes

aspargus, mushroom,  and cheese bachamel sauce crepe


crepe sampler
crepe sampler

farm fresh eggs from my guests!
farm fresh eggs from my guests very own chickens!



cheese & herb omlets
cheese & herb omlets


quiche muffins
quiche muffins


We have lots of guests with special dietary needs.  We strive to make all of our guests feel like they are getting special treatment regardless of their dietary needs.

gluten free muffins

chocolate bannana gluten free muffins

                                                          There is rarely a bite left with this comforting apple crisp.

apple crisp
apple crisp # barefoot contessa


Now this Chocolate Ciabatta is really a hit. We buy it at the Berkshire Mountain Bakery in Housatonic Ma.  I toast in delicious butter until it is crispy! This is too tempting to have around, so I do have to limit my purchases!


Berkshire Mountain Bakery Chocolate Chibatta
Berkshire Mountain Bakery Chocolate Ciabatta


Chocolate Chibatta grilled in butter! Yum!!!
Chocolate Ciabatta toased in butter! Yum!!!


As you can see we have all been eating well!  I have some new recipes coming up! Here is a sneak peak!


latke waffles from the Smitten Kitchen
latke waffles # Smitten Kitchen


[call_to_action size=”middle” colour=”blue”]Stay Close to anything that makes you glad you are alive. Hafez [/call_to_action]


As you know all things home make me feel alive! Here a few of my favorite creative and simple pleasures.


floral arrangement from the garden

Bringing the outdoors in is such a gift from the garden!

a simple ball jar & dailas from the garden
a simple ball jar & dailas from the garden


This window box is hanging on after the frost and I hate to let it go! I have too many outdoor plants inside now that we had a frost and I am looking for indoor spots that they can call home until summer.


window box
window box


autumn floral arrangement
autumn floral arrangement


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“Eating, and hospitality in general, is a communion, and any meal worth attending by yourself is improved by the multiples of those with whom it is shared.”  Jesse Browner




This next photo is one of our special repeat guests. Frank was singing and strumming his own folk music for us and other guests one morning after breakfast.  His talent was remarkable and very enjoyable! This season has been filled with repeat guests, but we have also welcomed new guests.  We have had guests from England, Switzerland, Brazil, Canada, and Ireland. We always marvel at the diverisity of our guests at the breakfast table each morning. Last weekend we had two couples from England who lived a couple of towns away from eachother!




[call_to_action size=”middle” colour=”blue”]“The earth has music for those who listen.”  George Santavana[/call_to_action]


My sister and I walk together through this quiet wooded area where someone decorates the woods with pumpkins!


pumpkins in the woods
pumpkins in the woods ( photo Judith Monachina)

photo by Judith Monachina
photo by Judith Monachina


Last week on our walk we noticed the road had fossilized leaves imprinted in it.  We had never seen anything like that before!


photo by Judith Monachina
photo by Judith Monachina

Hiking the tyringham Cobble (photo by Judith Monachina)
Hiking the tyringham Cobble (photo by Judith Monachina)

Our neighbor Michael enjoying the last of porch season!
Our neighbor Michael enjoying the last bit of porch season!


[call_to_action size=”middle” colour=”blue”]When you enjoy what you do, work becomes play. Martin Yan[/call_to_action]


Jeff and I live by this motto!  With another busy season behind us at Crabtree, and another big project with Jeff at the helm at Keenan Construction,  we feel that we have found our perfect professions.  Doing what we love everyday makes it all worth it, and the freedom of doing it our way is a creative and invigorating challange.


[call_to_action size=”middle” colour=”blue”]The only way to do great work is to love what you do.  Steve Jobs[/call_to_action]


We are hopeful that our daughter Julia will be able to follow her passions and build a beautiful life in the art world.  As a recent college graduate Julia is learning how to market her pottery, manage her website and promote her business. She is currently in a show at Bunker Hill Community College in Boston, and has had two local gallery openings and a couple of special sales at Karen Keenan Gifts.  Julia is learning valuable, lifelong skills,  without having a final destination clearly defined.  We are confident that this process will prepare her in ways that are invaluable to whatever path she chooses and what might open up for her. She inspires us with her steadfast work ethic and her creative ambition.


[call_to_action size=”middle” colour=”blue”]“its not a way of making a living, its a way of making a life”  – Paulus Berensohn.  [/call_to_action]



A sample of our Artist In Residence Julia Keenan's work
A sample of our Artist In Residence Julia Keenan’s work


[call_to_action size=”middle” colour=”blue”]The good life is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction not a destination.[/call_to_action]


Another special young woman, our neice, Kirsten Keenan, is making her own way by pursuing her  dream and following her passions.  She graduated from college and took the road less traveled. She is living in Colorado and working as a farmer at a CSA. Learning all aspects of organic farming is opening up a whole new world for her.  She is learning the complicated aspects of soil structure, chemical issues, seeds, harvesting  and preserving foods. She knows how to can and how to ferment foods.  She learns by doing hands on work every day at the farm. This ambitious and sweet soul is living a healthy and vigorous lifestyle without knowing where it will lead, but she is confident in the process. I admire her so much! After talking with Kirsten about her work, I realize how brilliant she is.  She recommends books and tecniques like a pro, and I am in awe of her knowledge.  If she were to become a writer after this it wouldn’t surprise me.  Her options are limitless!


Two beautiful cousins Julia & Kirsten enjoying the foliage!
Two beautiful cousins Julia & Kirsten enjoying the foliage!

Thank you for coming by my blog today.



Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

“Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home.”
― Edith Sitwell

Crabtree Crabapple
Crabtree Cottage Welcomes You


I have a confession to make.  I love winter!  I know everyone is sick and tired of old man winter but I am loving every single minute of it.  I am lucky enough to be able to work from my home, walk into town regardless of the weather, and I barely lift a snow shovel.  I love snowshoeing and I belong to the Spa at Cranwell which is only 21/2 miles away (right on rt 20 W).  I know, I know…. who am I not to love it!  Some of my guests have been loving it too! Cross Country Skiing, fine dining, museums and a very cozy B&B to hang their hats.  Many have been celebrating Valentine’s Month.  I love setting the stage for romance and February is the month to pull out all of the stops.  Our setting here on Franklin Street is especially magical in the snow ~ here are a few of my favorite scenes I see every day!

Franklin Street Scenery
Franklin Street Scenery ~ Very Cozy Indeed!

Crabtree Crabapple
Crabtree Crabapple

Franklin Street Scenery

Franklin Street Scenery

Franklin Street Scenery

Franklin Street Scenery

Franklin Street Scenery

Franklin Street Scenery

Franklin Street Scenery

Franklin Street Scenery

Neighborhood scenery
Neighborhood scenery


In our own backyard my two little pups had been getting a bit fed up with no where to run around. Nothing is more pathetic than those big brown eyes asking to go for a walk and me not being able to take them. The snow was so high and the sidewalks had not yet been plowed.  So on Valentine’s Day Jeffrey did one of the sweetest little things for them…

heart track

he snow blowed a heart shaped track for Max & Margot!! You can imagine how thrilled they were!

heart track
heart track

heart track
heart track


Won’t you come join me for a cup of homemade hot chocolate?    I would love to show you around some of the everyday romance we have been creating for ourselves and our guests.

Crabtree Hot Chocolate
Crabtree Hot Chocolate ~ Pottery by Jules

Romance @ Crabtree Cottage
Romance @ Crabtree Cottage


romantic breakfasts
romantic breakfasts


romantic breakfasts
chocolate raspberry crepes


romantic breakfasts

pre-sectioned red grapefruits with brown sugar, cinnamon & ginger broiled for 3-4 minutes

romantic breakfasts

winter tablescape
winter tablescape



romantic breakfasts
heart shaped cheese fried eggs



romantic breakfasts


n Chocolate Pecan Cookies


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Isn’t it just perfect that February is also Heart Health Month.  With all of this talk of love & romance I thought I would incorporate another passion of mine ~ health. After all, Health is the New Wealth! I think nurturing our bodies, minds and spirits with love is the secret to a happy life.  My collection of cookbooks, books on health and spirit  are catching up with my gardening book collection.  From following health experts to health foodies I am afraid to say I need to express myself even more with food than ever before! Luckily for me Jeff & my family are reaping the benefits of my obsession, lol.

oatmeal with fruit & chocolate
steel cut oatmeal with fruit & chocolate

Here is a steel cut oatmeal timesaver.  Before bed measure your oatmeal and water and bring to a boil in a covered pan. Turn off ~ go to bed….. awake and just reheat your oatmeal while your tea water boils or your coffee brews.  Saves you 20 minutes!

Thai Butternut Squash Soup
Thai Butternut Squash Soup


Making soup is one of my favorite things to do.  I submitted this Hearty Black Bean Soup in a Berkshire Eagle Super Bowl Party contest.  I didn’t win but I came in second and the recipe was published. I was so surprised because this soup is super healthy and the other recipes were not.  I hope some people tried it! If you would like the recipe pop over to my facebook page and let me know how it comes out.

Heart Healthy Black Bean Soup
Heart Healthy Black Bean Soup


Jeff's favorite polenta

 One of Jeff’s favorites ~ Polenta

Roasted Cauliflower
Roasted Cauliflower


Mushroom, Artichoke/Spinach Stacks
Mushroom, Artichoke/Spinach Stacks


ume salad dressing w/ polenta sticks
ume salad dressing w/ polenta sticks

cozy winter dinner for two
cozy winter dinner for two

Heart Healthy Guacamole
Heart Healthy Guacamole

Heart Healthy Chocolate Covered Bananas
Heart Healthy Frozen Chocolate Covered Bananas

Heart Healthy Chocolate Covered Bananas
Heart Healthy Chocolate Covered Bananas

Heart Healthy French Lentils
Heart Healthy French Lentils


Thank you for coming by my blog today. I hope you are having a wonderful winter enjoying your warm and comfortable home.