I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn’t say any other way. ~ Georgia O’Keeffe
I love the movie, An Affair To Remember, with Cary Grant & Deborah Kerr. If you are as obsessed as I am with rom-coms, you will surely remember them drinking pink champagne! I think that is one of my favorite movies of all time. A sweet movie that I have watched at least 25 times!! Yes, you could say I am a romantic! Part of my passion for romance, of course, includes setting the stage for a Romantic home, which to me also resembles Hygge. Setting the stage for how you want to feel when you drive into your driveway, or open the door of your home. For yourself, and your guests.

I always try to mix my curb appeal theme up a bit from time to time. I’ve had periwinkle, when I was in the French Countryside theme. That color scheme lasted a long time. Everything with blue & yellow, or periwinkle & gold, made my heart skip a beat, and honestly that still happens! But, I do like to change things up too.

The Playhouse before
Color is a power which directly influences the soul. ~ Wassily Kandinsky
Then I tried hints of lime, then glimpses of orange. Now, pink is having its turn. I think my daughters love of millennial pink started to influence me. She has a gorgeous pink velvet sofa, and some really great outfits too.

It started last year with the playhouse door, my café set, and some pink pillows on my back patio. I just loved how pink was such a pop with my signature navy! It started showing up in all kinds of outdoor décor. I was hooked!

The Playhouse after
Now I have decided to embrace it even more! I needed a spring lift. We still didn’t have anything blooming, but the weather forecast looked good, and pansies were finally available. I even bought a faux forsythia wreath for my front door. Not a huge fan of faux, but then the need for some spring color transformed my prejudice. After all, I live in the Berkshires! Out came the pink pillows. I was all in!

No matter how you feel get up, dress up, show up and never give up.

That night it snowed a bit, and it looked a little silly, and bit over the top.

Then as spring really did start to burst forth, the pink began to fit right in!

I am a believer that color affects people’s moods. ~ Lilly Pulitzer

Here is a man who wears pink very well, and is quite happy about it!

Even my little girl Reese loves pink!

Now that spring is here in theory only, with very chilly, rainy days, and all kinds of people whining, the pink is very uplifting and hopeful! Everything is a glorious lush green, and flowering bulbs and trees are everywhere! I am perfectly happy ~ all because of the power of pink!

I believe in pink ~ Audrey Hepburn
I hope you are enjoying your spring, and mixing up your outdoor and indoor décor a bit. It really lifts my spirits, and hopefully my version of curb appeal lifts yours. xo
Pink isn’t just a color its’ an attitude. ~ Mily Cyrus.