Friluftsliv ~ open air living & Hygge ~ indoor cozy!

“There’s no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing.”  Ok, maybe when you are planning for an outdoor exercise session, another type of winter sport activity, but socializing?  Yes!

Have you heard about Frilufsliv?  This is the nordic word for outdoor living in all weather.  And now that the weather has changed to cooler temps in the era of COVID, we have all had to adjust our lifestyles and thoughts about socializing safely.  In the summer we were so fortunate to have had such lovely weather. Outdoor socializing was so much fun, after our winter/spring of staying inside & only going out to exercise & shop! In our family we were fortunate to have everyone really adhering to our “bubble” and when we had outside visitors, we had plenty of warm, fresh air between us.  I would measure our seating when with those outside our bubble, and that was that!

Lately I have had a few get-togethers with some friends, and it has been a bit chilly after 5:00.  So with frilufsliv as my new outdoor theme, I started to think about how we could extend our fall season & still entertain.  A few years ago I had embraced the Nordic term Hygge ~ the theme of cozy & comfortable inside, and now it’s time to embrace frilufsliv too!

First on my mind was how to transform my back porch & then my menu! We had to have more than just our chiminea, which is great on coolish summer evenings, so we searched for an outdoor gas heater.  Of course, every restaurant in the world has been embracing the same theme of extending outdoor eating, and our quest for a heater this season was doomed.  To our rescue came Jeff’s brother, who had this collecting dust in his basement – the same one we tried to order.  His sweet brother just gave it to him.  He had only used it twice!

As you can see this heater isn’t as cozy looking as our chiminea, but it really does heat you up.  And as it got darker and more chilly, the flame really did add atmoshphere, along with the candles, a plant based charcuterie board, wine & good company! A bit later we had a nice big bowl of hot soup & crusty french bread, followed by a citrus cake with a coconut cream topping.  As the night progessed out came my collection of wraps & throws & believe me, we did adjust to the cold ~ Nordic style!

My signature appetizer is the plant-based charcuterie board.  I use it for most occasions, in many different variations & it really makes people happy even if we are just having them over for a drink. Drinks from now on will include hot toddies & I will share some of those new recipes with you.

Thank you for coming by my blog today.  As we prepare for Holidays with a more intimate guest list, let me know if you would like any assistance with your friluftsliv settings or your cozy winter indoor hygge.  This year we need to embrace & savor each season & each moment.  Perhaps this is all part of a lesson to be learned.



The Season of Wonder and Winter Hygge

Freezing rain

Ice and snow

Bitter winds

Winter woe

But in the depths

The flowers grow.

~ Joyce Monachina ( my mom)

We have been in a cold snap here in the Berkshires.  Today we are preparing for a Nor’easter.  I am tucked in and cozy, with the heat turned up, candles going, soothing music in the background and a pot of soup on the stove.  Tonight we will forgo the fireplace because the night-time temps are expected to be below zero… but that may not stop us if we need the extra hyggeligt to sooth our souls.  I have new book, netflix, and the most comfortable bed, so that may just do it.

I have been thinking about ritual and tradition lately. Trying to mindful of living in the moment.  I love the feeling of being in the flow of life. For me nature provides me an awe inspiring presence. Winter still being in the early stages, is truly magnificent, and the shadows, light and darkness combinations really do take my breath away.

Fresh pines are such a delightful Christmas tradition.  The simplicity and absolutely gorgeous look are so comforting for the winter soul.  It is really so amazing that this ancient ritual, and tradition of gathering pines for Christmas decor still manages to make our hearts sing year after year!

“How many lessons of faith and beauty we should lose, if there were no winter in our year!”
–Thomas Wentworth Higginson

When it comes to holiday decor, inside and outside, there was a time I was a bit over the top. Now I let nature and simplicity be my guide. I no longer like to compete with the magic of simplicity.

Simple traditions ~ nothing new about this little homemade potpourri, but it still manages to say wow!

A new twist for our traditional tree this year ~ a concolor fir. It has a citrus scent. I am very fond of this tiny tree, and may keep it up for a while.

My sister Kaye gave me this simple butternut squash trick. You pierce the whole squash a few times and then bake in a 375 degree oven for about an hour or so. And get this – if you forget about it, no worries it doesn’t matter. Then you just scoop it out and it is even better than roasted.

So far I have made butternut squash soup with some other unknown squash we got from the farmers market, and this butternut squash “mock frittata.”  Such comfort food. My new tradition. Simplicity at it’s best.

Another new twist to “bites” this year has been charcuterie boards. My vegan version was a big hit on Christmas Eve, our holiday family party. I had a big board out in place of all other hor dourves. It was filled with delicious faux gourmet sausages, nut cheeses, olives, some roasted veggies and dips, bread and crackers. New Years Eve for my little party of four, I made it again – here is the mini version. One of my new traditions here. I am having a friend over tomorrow night, and in this winter wonderland storm, I thought I would serve another version of this board with soup. I had this amazing shiitake bacon on both boards and it was one of everyones favorites! Pop over to my facebook page for the recipe.

The absolute highlight of the Holiday Season was this beautiful girl coming home from California for eleven days! We just saw her in November, but that doesn’t even count, when it is your favorite person in the whole world! She was the greatest blessing for our broken hearts. The day before she arrived, we had to say goodbye to our little lover, Max.  The greatest comfort for our heartache, and the greatest joy of the season ~ we will forever be grateful for the divine timing of her visit.

Here she is with our little Margot. The dynamic duo!

Below, our beloved Max, aka, our “little bubba.” Our grateful hearts are filled with amazing memories of this sweet little soul, who filled our home with humor, joy and LOVE.  Here he is with a good cigar, and just as cute as he can be.  Cheers to one of the greatest lovers ever!

 August 2, ’02 ~ December 22, ’17

I feel about my dogs now, and all the dogs I had prior to this, the way I feel about children — they are that important to me. When I have lost a dog, I have gone into a mourning period that lasted for months.  Mary Tyler Moore

Thank you for coming by my blog today. May your new year be filled with many blessings and lots of love.

Summertime, and the livin’ is easy!

Our version of Summer Living is to incorporate Hygge in the garden ~ twinkle lights, candles, scents of amazing flowers, a fire in the chiminea, and amazing atmosphere!

Hygee may be the term for secrets for happy living in Scandinavian countries, but here in the states we practice some of the same principles, and because the Berkshire Summers are so short, we are also determined to incorporate Hygee into our summers too. Outdoor living is the key to living a hyggee life in the summer. We consider it a perfect day to be OUTSIDE all day.

Where flowers bloom so does hope. ~ Lady Bird Johnson


Notice the carin sculpture that Jeff made ~ at dinner that night he realized, it is a “Max Angel” .

This sculpture below is another Jeff creation, it was just to showcase the beautiful stone ~ during dinner that  night my Dad realized, it was a “Margot sculpture!”

~ early summer above ~ late summer below ~

“The hum of bees is the voice of the garden. ~ Elizabeth Lawrence

Our wild and wonderful herb garden is a buzz about bees! Sometimes hummingbirds too!

Apparently window boxes date back to ancient Rome.  This year I went with the European geranium in red. Traditional and perfect for our gray shingled, cottage style, summer house.  I could do a whole blog about window boxes!

Of course eating alfresco is a daily event. Even when it sprinkles we move the umbrella over the table!


Our whole yard is a garden, but we especially love to eat in our little vegetable garden!

“Taste is an important element of hyggee because it often involves eating something. And that something can not be too fresh, alternative or challenging in any way.” ~   “And if you want to be more hyggelig, you add more wine.”

~ Meik Wiking

This is a new summer favorite, Soba Noodle Salad – pop over to my facebook page for this simple recipe.

Another Asian inspired Cabbage Salad from The Earth Diet.

Does anything beat lettuce just picked from the garden?

The other night we ate at my sister’s house, and her friend Sally made a Chow Chow salad ~ I was in love! I made it the very next night! #simple#summer#delicious#nutritious#gardenfood

Here is the chow-chow recipe:

4 cups any vegetables ( I like to add scallions and olives too)

1 Tab. Olive oil

2 Tab. White vinegar

Juice + zest of 1 lime

1/2 – 1 tsp. Salt

1/4 tsp pepper

1/4 tsp. Chile powder

1/4 tsp. Cumin


Oregano (if you like )

Mix, cover, refrigerate, marinate a few hrs…. enjoy !! ( I couldn’t wait a couple of hours so we ate it right away!)


Another look and  the feeling of hygge on a rainy day.



The smell…


Our summer living area is our patio!  We truly live out there! If we had a bed out there, that is where we would sleep!  Jeff starts every morning out there with his coffee and his paper.  He is an early riser, and after he feeds the birds he sets up his own little version of relaxation before work.  Did you know that by watching the birds you are actually meditating – it has the same effect on your brain!  Well, summer bird feeding is Jeff’s hobby! When he has the day off, he still feels like he has to get up and get the bird feeders out!  Our yard is bustling with all kinds of birds, squirrels, chipmunks and bees.  Meditation in motion!!

“A bird doesn’t sing because it has an answer. It sings because it has a song.”  ~ Maya Angelou


Our life is quite simple these days. On our weekends we usually start the day with a hike to our favorite spot,  Kennedy Park. We love to see the dogs run free and we love to be in the woods! We feel like it is not only a great physical activity, but a spiritual one as well.

“Wilderness is not a luxury but a necessity of the human spirit.” ~ Edward Abbey (And puppies spirits too!)

As soon as I enter the woods my heart sings!  I feel so peaceful and happy. I truly enjoy every moment ~ being in the moment is critical for a happy life, but especially in the summer months.

“The morning has dawned clear and cold, with a crispness that hinted at the end of summer.” ~ George R.R. Martin     ~ oh dear, today this was a sign… be where you are, NOW!

Now back to the patio – and patio living.  After our hike in the woods, perhaps, but not always, a chore or two, we have a big decisions to make about our day! Lately,  I have a new theme about summer living at Crabtree Cottage, ” Do you feel like vacationing at our summer home today?” Invariably the answer is yes! Out comes the latest reading materials, bathing suits , and the cover comes off the pool! We hangout, and take in all of the pleasures of the of this hyggelig atmosphere we have worked so hard to create.

One day after a hike we stopped at an estate sale ~ I walked up and immediately saw this blue and white group of chinese garden stools and two tables. I knew immediately that I had to have them.  We came home and had no clue where they were going, but within minutes they were placed – where else but the patio?

“We didn’t realize we were making memories we just knew we were having fun.”


Since our summer home is in the Berkshires, we have had an exceptional time at the various cultural venues.  Tanglewood, Jacobs Pillow, museums, jazz at gilded age mansions & gardens. Next on our list before summer’s end is The Clark Museum for the Picasso exhibit, and outdoor theatre .  Notice all of this incorporates the outdoors!  Cheers to summer with a grateful heart.

Succulents are one of my newest passions ~ a true trend everywhere these days. Mine is inspired by my visits to see Julia in California.  I take my walks, and take in all of those succulent gardens, and I imagine…

Thank you for coming by my blog today.


Spring Hygee

and I think to myself, what a wonderful world…

I have been drinking a bit of turmeric tea lately. I make it a few different ways depending on my mood.  One is called weight loss tea from The Earth Diet: 2-inch piece of ginger- diced, a dash of cayenne pepper, 1/2 tsp. turmeric powder & 1 lemon.  In a saucepan bring 4 cups of water and all of the ingredients except the lemon to a boil and let simmer for 5 minutes. Then squeeze in the lemon juice and sir. Pour into your favorite mug and head to a cozy nook to savor with your thoughts, or a good book.  The one above is 1 C hemp milk (or any milk you like) 1/2 tsp of turmeric, ( I have been buying the turmeric root and grating ) 1 dash of cayenne, 1 tsp coconut butter, (this activates the properties of the turmeric) a 1/2 tsp of cinnamon, a little knob of ginger grated, and a little maple syrup to taste. This one is more comforting and kind of filling.  The perfect mood altering comfort one needs during this cold spring! It feels very cozy to sit with a mug of something warm and to purposely create a bit of  hygee for yourself when it is dark and chilly.  Turmeric is a cure all for all types of health issues, and once you get a taste for it it is very soothing and pleasant.

Create your own sunshine.

We did escape a little winter for a visit with our daughter Julia in California.  She has been there for a year and 3 months now.  Here she is at work at the Madison Gallery in La Jolla.

We love San Diego, I must say. I can see myself living there except for one thing… the highways. I really don’t like them one bit,  but I really like everything else! Lucky for me, I have a driver!

“Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.”  ~ Emily Bronte

He takes me anywhere I want to go! We go for beautiful hikes, a daily trip to a farmers markets, exploring, shopping, and restaurants.

One chilly day we went to the Botanical Garden. Succulents really have won me over in a big way. I even have started a little collection of them in my own house.  I read that plants are back in a big way now in home decor. I was a very limited inside plant person, but I must say the trend makes me very happy ~ especially the succulents.

I think that people in San Diego are mostly very healthy because of the amazing climate. Surrounded by flowers all year – such a moderate temperature, and honestly a farmers market every single day in one of the neighborhoods. It just makes your heart sing to pick out your fresh produce each and every day! – oh and the restaurants! The very best restaurants for my style of eating, in every neighborhood in the city. The best eating city and state we have ever been to!!

Leaving is hard. Even though we talk daily, it is the nuances of her sweetness, and her precious sense humor that are really best in person!  I love seeing her adulting, I adore her personal style and her wit!  


“The Little House was very happy as she sat on the hill and watched the countryside around her. She watched the sun rise in the morning and watched the sun set in the evening. Day followed day, each one a little different form the one before… but the Little House stayed just the same.”  ~ Virginia Lee Burton, The Little House

Home at last to our almost Spring climate! I felt inspired ! Time to bring new life into my Berkshire Home!  This succulent was my first purchase!

And the one thing that we didn’t expect was….

another snow storm.  So we had to pull out all of our hygee stops! We had to savor the beauty and snuggle up! Cook good food and step into that zen place of winter! More fires, candlelight in the daytime, fresh flowers, and outdoor winter exercise! 

We had to sunbath with snow still on the ground! (My dad with Max & Margot!)

Although our days are longer, it isn’t very spring like around here! The snow is gone, but today is dark and rainy. This was the perfect day to eat lunch – at The Starving Artist Cafe. It is a very hyggeligt thing to do! The food is always amazing and healthy, and the atmosphere is casual and welcoming. Today we each had a delicious black bean soup and a crepe.

“The habit of being happy enables one to be freed, or largely freed, from the dominance of outward conditions.”  ~ Robert Lewis Stevenson

I spent the last month trying to re-create California food! We ate at so many wonderful vegan restaurants! Always packed, and filled with fun hipsters! Healthy hipsters!  We ate at the Cafe Gratitude – five times! I had the same thing each time! Pad Thai with kelp noodles. I came home and went to town. I didn’t quite get their flavor, but I still loved it!

Life is a combination of magic and pasta. ~ Federico Fellini

Spiralized butternut squash pasta.


Garbanzo Beans: 1 can rinsed garbanzo beans with a drizzle of olive oil, salt, pepper and thyme ~ add to a hot pan and roast on top of the stove. Our new favorite!

My husband is also a rice man! He could eat it every day. We usually have leftover rice in the fridge. I have started to make a really good fried rice with whatever we have for leftovers.

And lastly, a Spring Soup! Artichoke and Lemon Soup! You can view the recipe over on my facebook page. It felt fresh and clean!

Thank you for coming by my blog today. I am in the process of spring cleaning (with home made cleaning products) and maybe another inside project if this weather doesn’t turn into spring soon! .  I love the idea of Spring Hygee!  My first thing to do this weekend is to plant the pansies and get on with it – regardless of the weather!

“More than anything, savoring is about gratitude. We often remind each other not to take things for granted. Gratitude is more than a simple “thank you” when you receive a gift. It is about keeping in mind that you live right now, allowing yourself to focus on the moment and appreciate the life you lead, to focus on all that you do have, not what you don’t. Clichés? Totally.  ~Meik Wiking